+353 (0) 87 2863013


Our Therapies

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is gentle hands-on therapy to help restore normal pelvic floor muscle function. Normal muscle length and normal muscle tone can be achieved using manual therapy.

Supervised Progressive Targeted Pelvic Floor Muscle Training

Supervised progressive targeted pelvic floor muscle training is exercise based therapy. A series of supervised and targeted exercises gradually help restore normal muscle action in terms of strength, endurance, movement, and other functions.

Bladder Retraining

Bladder retraining is a series of lifestyle changes to retrain some automatic bladder and pelvic floor muscle reflexes. Bladder retraining restores normal bladder emptying, filling, and storing. There is a small amount of pelvic floor exercises to be done too with bladder retraining.

Bowel Retraining

Bowel retraining is a series of lifestyle changes to retrain some automatic bowel and pelvic floor muscle reflexes. Bowel retraining restores normal bowel emptying, filling, and storing. Bowel Retraining helps restore normal stool so that the pelvic floor muscles can evacuate the bowel in a normal way.


Electrotherapy is a type of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) to repetitively contract and relax very weak pelvic floor muscles ensuring improved muscle function. It provides stimulation to weakened pelvic nerves to restore normal pelvic floor muscle function. When the weakened muscles are stimulated the patient can feel how the muscles should be working and it can really help the patient to find the muscles.

Biofeedback can be used as part of the electrotherapy process to restore optimal pelvic floor muscle function. Feedback is given to the patient in terms of sensation, visual and auditory cues. Electrotherapy is not painful, and some forms are done in the clinic and some are done in the patient’s home. Some electrotherapy is done using surface skin electrodes, some with needle electrodes and some with probes.

Some health insurance policies will cover some of the costs of electrotherapy and biofeedback devices and the Med 1 Form can give some tax relief on costs and the end of the tax year.

Bone Loading

Bone loading is a series of supervised and progressed exercises for osteoporosis and osteopenia or low bone density.

Other Treatments

There are many other treatments that can be used to ensure optimal treatment results and optimal function depending on each individual patient’s set of symptoms and assessment finding. Each treatment plan will be tailored to each patient’s individual situations. Please contact us to discuss your specific needs.

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